Rabu, 02 Oktober 2019


Choose the correct expression to fill in the blank.

1. Doni: ... our English class is very boring.

Tito: I think so too. The teacher should use more English games to make it fun.

A. I agree

B. I think

C. I don't like it

D. I disagree.

E. I'm not sure.

2. ... children should play outside more.

A. I can't believe

B. I learn that

C. In my opinion

D. Do you think that..

E. I totally understand

3. Tita: Today is very busy.

Dina: I agree.

Tita: ... of our new manager?

Dina: I think she's very good at managing the office.

A. What do you think

B. Do you think

C. Do you agree

D. What should we think

E. Would you think

4. What do you think of the new shopping mall near our school?

A. I don't think so.

B. I agree.

C. I disagree.

D. I don't know.

E. I think it has many good stores.

5. Sinta: I feel that students should do more discussion at class.

Jeni: ... Discussion can help us to develop our critical thinking skill.

A. I agree.

B. I disagree.

C. I'm not sure.

D. I don't think so.

E. I totally disagree.

6. ... the new rules can make students learn better. 6:30 is too early for students to come to school.

A. I doubt that

B. I think

C. In my opinion

D. I agree

E. I feel that

7. Roni: What should we do for our group project?

You: ...

A. I don't think so.

B. I think we should do a small presentation.

C. I doubt that.

D. Are you sure?

E. Why do you think so?

8. I really like Bali. ... Bali is the best island in Indonesia.

A. I don't like it

B. I doubt that

C. I think

D. I agree

E. I don't know

9. Lisa: Do you think that these flowers can be good present for Father's Day?

Rini: ... but I think a tie would be better. Your father can wear it for work.

A. I'm not so sure

B. I think so

C. I agree

D. I will think about it

E. It's ugly

10. Bintang: I think everyone should have a pet.

Rona: Why? ... pet is very expensive.

Bintang: In my opinion, pet can make us to be more responsible.

A. As far as I know

B. I disagree

C. I don't think so

D. Are you sure?

E. I doubt that

11.       Ani : Don’t you think those cookies are nice?
Ida : Yes, but …..
A.       I am sorry to hear that
B.       What a surprise!
C.      How awful it is
D.      Don’t you think they are too sweet?
E.       You have my agreement

12.       Ani : Why are you so sad? Wasn’t you successful?
Ida : ….
A.       I’m happy for you
B.       Thank God
C.      No, thanks
D.      What a confidence
E.       It’s difficult to appreciate it

13.       Ani  : ………..
Ida  : I think it’s great
A.       Have you read this book?
B.       What do you think of this book?
C.      What is it?
D.      Do you know this?
E.       How do you do?

14.       Ani  : ……
Ida  : I love it
A.       How do you like this place?
B.       What does it mean?
C.      Do you want to join us?
D.      Isn’t the idea worse than before?
E.       I love you

15.       Andy : What do you think about the restaurant?
Budy : The price is too expensive
From the dialogue above we can conclude that ….
A.       Budy is expressing pleasure
B.       Andy is expressing pleasure
C.      Budy is expressing displeasure
D.      Andy is expressing displeasure
E.       Budy is asking Andy’s opinion

16.       Mita   : What do you think about the fairy?
Bayu : I think she deserves to return to heaven
We can conclude that Mita is …
A.       Asking for information from Bayu
B.       Asking Bayu’s opinion
C.      Giving her opinion to Bayu
D.      Agreeing with Bayu’s opinion
E.       Disagreeing with Bayu’s opinion

17.       Melly : I like to stay in villages. The air is fresh.
Lela  : me, too
We can conclude that Melly is expressing ….
A.       Apology
B.       Sympathy
C.      Love
D.      Opinion
E.       Agreement

18.       A: Do you think we should advertise it?
B : Personally. I think that’s a good idea.
The underlined words express….
A.       Apology
B.       An opinion
C.      Offer help
D.      Accept help
E.       Agreement

19.       A : Why don’t you write about the matter?
B :To be honest. I don’t think they will read my letter.
The underlined words express…
A.       Opinion
B.       Uncertainty
C.      Agreement
D.      Pride
E.       Apology

20.    Porter : ….
Nadia : No, thanks, I can bring it myself
A.       Can you help me to carry it?
B.       May I help you with your baggage, miss?
C.      Would you mind helping me, miss?
D.      Here, help me and I’ll carry it
E.       I can’t bring it myself, please help

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