Rabu, 30 Oktober 2019


The following text is for questions 1 to 3.
Text 1
Text Box:  
Singapore is a city state; it is a city but it is also a state. It is a republic. Along with Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, The Philippines and Brunai, it belongs to ASEAN, the Association of South-East Asian Nations.
 Like Indonesia, Singapore is a country of “ Bhineka Tunggal Ika “. Chinese, Malays, Indians and Eurasians make up its citizens. Other Asians including Indonesians, Japanese, Philippines, Koreans, Thais and Arabs live on that tiny island. Singapore is sometimes called “ Instant Asia’ because you can see varieties of customs, cultures, and food of nearly all Asia in Singapore.
         ( UN 2006/2007 )

1 . The text mainly talks about Singapore as ...
            A . a nation                                                    
            B.  an island                                                   
            C.  a republic
            D. a city state
            E. a member of ASEAN

2 . Why do some people sometimes call Singapore an “ Instant Asia “ ?
A.    Assorted customs, cultures and food of almost all Asia are found there
B.     Many people of Asians live there
C.     Singapore is located in Asia
D.    You can see varieties of customs, cultures and food of Singapore in nearly all Asia
E.     It belongs to Asia
3 . “ .... Koreans, Thais and Arabs live on that tiny island.” ( Paragraph 2 ). The underlined word can be replaced by….
A.    cute                                                           D. broad
B.     huge                                                          E. narrow
C.     small
The following text is for questions 4 to 8
Text 2
Text Box: Albert Einstein was born in Germany ( 14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955 ). Einstein explained the perihelion advance of Mercury, prediction of the deflecti Swiss-American theoretical physicist, philoshoper and author who is widely regarded as one of the most influential and best known scientists and intelectuals of all time. He is often rehgarded as the father of the modern physics. He received the1921 Nobel Prize in Physics “ for his services to Theoretical Physics, ans especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect “.
 His many contributions to physics include the special and general theories of relativity, the founding of relativistic cosmology, the first post-Newtonian expansionon of light by gravity and gravitational lensing, the first fluctuation dissipation theorem which explained the Brownian movementof molecules, the photon theory and wave particle duality, the quantum theory of atomic motion in solid, the zero point energy concept, the semiclassical version of the schrodinger equation, and the quantum theory of a manotomic gas which predicted Bose-Einstein condensation.
 Einstein published more than 300 scientific and 150 non-scientific works. Einstein additionally wrote and Thomas Alva Edison ( February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931 ) was an American inventor, scientist and businessman who developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and a long- lasting electirc light bulb. Dubbed  “ The Wizard of Menlo Park “( now Edison, New Jersey )by a newspaper reporter, he was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production and large teamwork to the process of invention, and therefore is often credited with the creation of the first industrial research laboratory.
As with previous Classical Comics, the presentation is first class. The best grade glossy paper really helps to set this graphic novel head and shoulders above the usual comic book release on the market. Not only that, you also get a pretty comprehensive biography of Shelley; Mary Shelley’s Family Tree; a feature that explains what life was like in the year of the book’s release; and a brief look on how Frankenstein has been adapted to many different formats over the years.
                          (Ujian Nasional 2011)

4 . The text tells us about….
A.    the career of Albert Einstein         D. The career of Thomas Alva Edison
B.     the family of Albert Einstein        E. the failure of Thomas Alva Edison
C.     the failure of Albert Einstein
5 . “ He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics( Paragraph 1 ). The underlined word has a closest meaning with….
A.    refused                                          D. perceived               
B.     accepted                                        E. removed
C.     neglected
6 . In what field did he get the Nobel Prize ?
A.    Alchemy                                        D. Communication
B.     Technology                                   E. Physics
C.     Culture
7 . How many scientific and non-scientific works were published y Albert Eisntein ?
A.    300                                                D. More than 450
B.     150                                                E. Less than 450
C.     450
8 . What is the main idea of paragraph 2 ?
A.    Explaining the perihelion advance of Mercury
B.     Prediction of the deflec Swiss – American theoritical physicist
C.     Philosopher and author who is widely regarded as one of the most influent
D.    Einstein’s scientific and non-scientific works
E.     Einstein’s contributions to physics include and the special and general theories of relativity.
The following text is for questions number 9 and 10
Text 3
Paris is the capital of a European nation, France. It is also one of the most beautiful and most famous cities in the world.
    Paris is called the City of Light . It is also an international fashion centre. What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn  women all over the world. Paris is also famous for its world centre of education. For instance, it is the headqurters of UNESCO , the Uined Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Paris is named after a group of people called the Parisii. They built a small village on an island in the middle of the Seine River about two thousands years ago. This island is called lli de la Cite. It is where Notre Dame located. Today around eight million people live in the Paris area.

9 . The following is not true about Paris.
A.    The capital of France                               
B.     The City of Light
C.     International Fashion Centre
D.    The headquarters of United Nations
E.     One of the well-known cities in the world
10. The third paragraph tells us ............... ( UN 2006/2007 )
            A.   about the Parissi                           D.    the origin of the word Paris       
            B.    the location of Notre Dame        E.   a village built thousand years ago
            C.    an island in the middle of the Seine River

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