Selasa, 08 Oktober 2019


Listening Section

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

Questions 1 to 4. Directions:
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The questions and the dialogues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
After you listen to the dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers, and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear:
Boy      : Do you use the internet very often?
Girl      : Yes, I do. I use it for communication.
Boy      : How do you communicate with it?
Girl      : I send and receive emails, and I speak with my friends using voice mail.

What is the main topic of the conversation?
A.     How to use email.
B.     Internet usage.
C.     Receiving emails.
D.     Voice mail.
E.      Communication.

The best answer to this question is "Internet usage". Therefore you should choose answer (B)
1.                             A.     Having a journey for a week.

B.         Going shopping.
C.         Going swimming.
D.         Beautiful scenery.
E.         Discussing holiday plans.
2.                             A.     She will go to school.

B.         She will go to her factory.
C.         She will go to the hospital.
D.         She will go to the man's office.
E.          She will go to a department store.
3.                             A.     She has broken her own promises.

B.         She cannot cook the dinner well.
C.         She is going to a concert.
D.         She practices some sounds.
E.          She will perform in the concert.
4.      A. The short red one.
          B. The short green one.
          C. The short black one.
          D. The long red one.
          E. The long green one.

PART II Questions: 5 to 7

In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in English, followed by four responses, also spoken in English. The dialogues and the responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to each question.

Now listen to a sample question.
Man      : Where are we going to stay?
Woman : At the Sun Hotel, near the beach.
Man      : Why there? Woman : ....

What will the woman most likely reply?
A.      Stay there.
B.      It provides excellent service.
C.      There's a hotel there.
D.      It's on the beach.

The best answer to the question is choice B "It provides excellent service." Therefore, you should choose answer B.
5.            Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6.            Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7.            Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

PART III Questions: 8 to 11.

In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or monologues spoken in English. The dialogues or monologues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the dialogue or monologue, look at the five pictures provided in your test book, and decide which one would be the most suitable with the dialogue or monologue you have heard.





PART IV Question 12 to 15.

In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
After you hear the monologue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

12.                 A.     An actor.
B.         Harry Potter.
C.         Popular book series.
D.         Literary agent.
E.         Daniel Jacob Radcliffe.

13.                         A.     Being bom in England.

B.         Buying a popular book series.
C.         Playing Harry Potter.
D.         His mother being a Casting Agent.
E.          His father being a Literary Agent.
14.                         A.     Over the head.

B.         Around the waist.
C.         Outside the aircraft.
D.         In the back of the seat.
E.         Under the seat.

15.                 A.    Table.
B.         The life jacket.
C.         Mobile phones.
D.         The attached light.
E.         Tapes around the waist.

This is the end of the listening section.

Text 1:
Jakarta is ………….(16) in the northwest coast of Java Island, at the mouth of Ciliwung River. The ……….(17) is hot and humid year around. Rainfall ………..(18) throughout the year.

16. a. stretched
      b. built
      c. located
      d. found
      e. set up

17. a. season
      b. climate
      c. wind
      d. storm
      e. forecast

18. a. occurs
       b. takes
       c. comes
       d. supplies
       e. drops

Text 2:
      American football is played by two teams. Each team tries to score points by getting the ball over the other team’s goal line, into the end zone. A team can score a touchdown by passing or throwing the ball to a teammate in the end zone or by running with the ball into the end zone. A team can also score a field goal by kicking the ball over a goal post in the end zone. A touchdown earns six points and a field goal earns three points.
     Only one team has the ball at a time. That team is called the offense. The other team, called the defence, tries to stop the offence from scoring any points. Both the offence and defense have 11 players on the field.
     The offense tries to move down the football field by throwing passes or by rushing or running with the ball. It has four chances or downs to move the ball 10 yards. If it succeeds, the offense keeps the ball for another four downs. If it doesn’t, the other team’s offense gets its turn.
     The defense tries to stop the offense mainly by tackling the player with the ball. The defense can also try to get hold of the ball by making the offense fumble the football or by intercepting a pass.
     Officials make sure the rules are followed and the game is fairly played. They hand out penalties if rules are broken. A penalty on the offense moves the ball farther away from the defense’s goal line. A penalty on the defense moves it closer to their goal line.

19. According to the text, which statement is correct?
a. A touchdown earns three points, and a field goal earns six points.
b. Both teams can have the ball at a time.
c. The other team’s offense gets its turn after the offense succeeds.
d. The defense can stop the opponent by knocking down the player with the ball.
e. Officials won’t punish one team even though the team doesn’t obey the rules.
20. “A penalty on the defense moves it closer to teir goal line” (see last paragraph!). The word it refers to ………
a. a penalty
b. the ball
c. the goal line
d. the defense’s goal line
e. the  game
21. “The defense can also try to get hold of the ball by making the offense fumble the football or by intercepting a pass”. The word fumble means…….
a. to score by kicking
b. to lose one’s graps while trying to catch or hold
c. to behave in a certain way
d. the act of attacking
e. to pay attention
22. The main idea of paragraph 1 is ……….
a. teams of American football
b. what American football is
c. the purpose of playing American football
d. how to get points in American football
e. points in American football

Text 3:

Artist               : Leslie Feist
Album             : Let It Die

     In the age of excess, it takes more than just courage to embrace simplicity and a stripped down approach are warmth and excellent. With a touch of jazz and trip-hop around the edges, her music really kicks off.
     Armed only with an acoustic guitar, drum loops, thin-sounding keyboards and jazz-tinged vocals, Feist triumphantly assembled a record of 13 flawlessly sunny pop songs beaming with simple beauty.
     Othet thin layer of ethernal soundcape, Feist crooms fluid vocals that feel like drops of morning dew falling from a pine tree, as in Now at last and lovers Spit. In fact, Feist‘s vocals alone could send listeners swooning.
     Feist’s craft here hides a more wild past. She was a member of a punk outfit in Calgary called Placebo that once opened for the Ramones. The only elements of punk that still remain are her spontaneity and naturalness.

-          M. Taufiqurrahman
(taken from “The Jakarta Post”, 2005.

23. The communicative purpose of the text is ………
a. to tell the readers about Leslie Feist
b. to inform the readers who Leslie Feist is
c. to review the album of Leslie Feist
d. to entertain the readers of leslie Feist album
e. to persuade the readres to read the Leslie Feist album
24. The writer comments that “Let It Die”  by Feist is …………
a. awful
b. great
c. uninteresting
d. natural
e. boring
25. Which statement is correct according to the text?
a. it is easy to embrace a simple idea and stripped down approach to music
b. in her new album, Leslie Feist only plays an acoustic guitar
c. it is a sophisticated album armed with an acoustic guitar, drum loops and thin-sounding keyboard
d. “Let it Die” is an album with 13 pop songs sung by a Canadian indie pop singer, Leslie Feist.
e. Lover’s Spit was a punk band in Calgary that once opened for the Ramones.

Text  4:
     Unlike earlier campaign, the 1960 presidential campaign featured the politically innovative and highly influential series of televised debates in the contest between the Republicans and the Democrates. Senator John Kennedy established an early lead among the Democtatic hopefuls and was nominated on the first ballot at Los Angeles convention to be representative of the Democratic party in the presidential election. Richard Nixon, then serving as vice-president of the United States under Eisenhower, received the nomination of the Republic party. Both Nixon and Kennedy campaigned vigorously throughout the country and then took the unprecented step of appearing in face to face debates on television. Political experts contend that the debates were a pivotal force in the elction. In fornt of a viewership of more than 100 million citizens, Kennedy masterfully overcame Nixon’s advantage as a better-known and more experienced candiddates and reserved the public perception of him as too inexperienced and immature for the presidency.

26. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?
a. televised debates were firstly produced in the 1960 presidential election.
b. Kennedy defeated Nixon in the 1960 presidential election.
c. television debates have long been a part of campaigning.
d. Kennedy was the leading Democratic candidates in the 1960 presidential election.
e. television broadcast the debates all over the country.
27. The passage states that in the debates, Kennedy showed to the American people that he was……….
a. old enough to be a president
b. more experienced than Nixon
c. better known than Nixon
d. too inexperienced to serve as a president
e. immature to be a president
28. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
a. Kennedy succeeded in defeating Nixon’s popularity
b. The television debates were introduced by Kennedy
c. Before the debates, Kennedy is considered to be more experienced than Nixon
d. In 1960, Kennedy was vice-president of the United States
e. Kennedy was against the televised debates programme
29.”……… the Los Angeles convention to be representative…….”. The word convention in the text is closest in the meaning to ……..
a. seminar
b. summit
c. discussion
d. meeting
e. workshop
30. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Ricahrd Nixon?
a. He was serving as vice president
b. He was the Republican party’s candidate for president
c. He was nominated on the first ballot by the American people
d. He was campaigned strongly all over the country
e. He was considered mature for the presidency

Text 5:
     A process is gradually being made in the ………(31) of cancer. In the early 1900s, few cancer patients had hope of long-term ………..(32). In the 1920s, the ratio was one in four. Currently, the ration is down to one in three. The gain from one in four to one in threerepresents …………(33) 58,000 lives saved each year.

a. fight
b. heal
c. kill
d. against
e. destroy
a. survive
b. survival
c. survivor
d. survived
e. survives
a. to
b. for
c. about
d. from
e. with

34. Which is the best arrangement of the following statements?
1. Books, magazines, and newspapers are the three basic fields of publishing.
2. Thousands of men and women work in publishing.
3. Still others handle the publicity and advertising that bring the publication to the attention of the reading public.
4. These three fields operate in different ways althoughthey have some characteristics in common.
5. Publishing is the business of bringing the printed word to the public in books.
6. Some are writers, some are editors who adapt the writer’s work and others are in change of putting the publication together.

a.       1-2-3-4-5-6
b.      5-2-6-3-1-4
c.       5-2-4-1-6-3
d.      5-6-2-1-4-3
e.       2-5-1-6-4-3
35. Which is the best arrangement of the following statements?
1. Many artisans in Lombok have been inspired by ceramist Yoyok who began to decoreta earthenware with rattan weaving and old Chinese coins in the 1990s.
2. In Lombok pot making is one of women’s daily chores.
3. The products from Lombok have increasingly found new markets in Bali, Jakarta and abroad.
4. The IndonesiaNew Zealand craft project in Lombok has helped local producers reinforce traditional techniques and in corporate modern ones.
5. Over the past decade, the craft has evolved primarily due to the impetus from the New Zealand government.

a.       2-5-4-1-3
b.      1-2-3-4-5
c.       2-4-5-3-1
d.      2-5-1-3-4
e.       3-1-4-2-5
Text. 6:



     Issues and Strategies

     Thursday, February 1, 2006.
     The Planitum Hotel
     Omaha, Nebraska.

     Our experienced faculty will:
·         alert you to key changes in legislation, regulations and case law.
·         Take you from the basics through advanced areas of Worker’s Compensation law.
·         Show you how to anticipate new trends in defense.
·         Give you many practical strategies.

36. The purpose of the text is …….
a. to annouce readers about the seminar
b. to persuade readers to practice their new skills.
c. to inform ways to communicate with employees.
d. to explain how to anticipate new trends in defence
e. to inform readres how to apply many practical strategies.
37.The text is about …….
a. how to influence the law
b. how to advance your career
c. where to practice your new skills
d. how to argue to defense your policy
e. seminars on worker’s compensation
38. This seminar would be likely attended by ……..
a. doctors
b. lawyers
c. workers
d. legislators
e. employees
39. “……… you how to anticipate new trends in defense”. The word anticipate means……
a. let down
b. foresee
c. forecast
d. avoid
e. hope

Text 7:

                                    SHIPBUILDERS’ STRIKE CONTINUES
                                                Government takes action

     The bitter strike over pay and redundancies has now lasted over 8 weeks. Shipbuilders have told their leaders to ‘fight  to the end’ to stop dockyards from closing and 2,000 of their men losing their jobs.
     Sir Albert Pringle, chairman of British Shipbuilders, has asked Peter Arkwright, the president of the Shipbuilders’ Union, to attend a meeting next Thursday.
     Meanwhile, the government has ordered Sir Albert to give important naval contracts to the Japanese.

40. The purpose of the text is ………
a. to persuade readres to be careful with their employees
b. to inform readres about a newsworthy event
c. to share an amusing story with readres
d. to describe a report about something
e. to describe a strike in a company
41. What is the text about?
a. Peter Arkwright
b. Sir Albert Pringle
c. Shipbuilders ‘strike
d. British shipbuilders
e. Shipbuilders’ Union
42. The strike happened bacause……
a. the strike has lasted over 8 weeks
b. workers wanted changes on pay and redundancies
c. Sir Albert Pringle has attended a meeting on Thursday
d. Sir Albert gave important naval contracts to the Japanese
e. The shipbuilders’ leaders fought to the end to stop dockyards from closing
43. Who asked Peter Arkwright to attend a meeting next Thursday?
a. The strikers
b. The Japanese
c. The government
d. The chairman of British Shipbuilders
e. The president of Shipbilders Union
44. “ ……….to attend a meeting next Thursday”. The word attend means ……..
a. guard
b. look after
c. be present
d. accompany
e. take care of

Text 8:
     Working in the hospital isn’t always enjoyable. Some days nothing goes right and then it’s very frustrating.
     Working with older people is much more difficult. They take much longer to get better. A lot of the older patients don’t want to leave hospital at all. They feel safe there and they have lots of friends. When they go home, they feel very lonely. They miss their friends. Sometimes nurses go and visit them at home when they can. But it is hard to get the time. It causes that some of them will never really get well again. Every nurse feels sorry for them but hey can’t show them how they feel. They have to be cheerful and do what they can. Nurses always try to do their best for all patients.
     Thus nurses should be creative to develop amusing and enjoyable environment in order to help patients recover from their illness.

45. The writer suggests that nurses should …….
a. be creative to develop enjoyable environment when they are on duty
b. send the patients home as soon as they are recovered
c. let the patients be with their family
d. know the patients’ wealth
e. make a lot of friends
46. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to advice readers to be careful with their illness
b. to persuade readers how to be a good nurse
c. to inform readers how to be a nurse
d. to share a problem with readers
e. to describe a nurse’s job
47. When nurses are on duty, they sometimes feel frustrated because ………
a.They feel very lonely all the time
b  they should do their best at all times
c. they always work with older people
d. their jobs don’t always run smoothly
e. they have to visit their patients
Text 9:

Dusseldorf is an international Center for trade and communication technology. These are some reasons for its excellent economic position.
·         within a radius of 500 km, 148 million people can be reached more than 40% of all the inhabitants of European Union.
·         Dusseldorf is base to more than 5.000 foreign companies from all over the world, among them 450 from North America.
·         It is one of the leading locations for information and communication technology in Germany, MCI Nokia, Ericcson and Novel have subsidiaries here.
·         Renowned cellular phone companies, e.g. Mannesmann Mobilfunk and E-Plus, decided to settle in Dusseldorf. When will you make Dusseldorf your location in the European Single Market?

48. The text is about …………….
a. the European Single Market
b. information and communication technology in Germany
c. 500 foreign companies from all over the world
d. the inhabitants of European Union
e. Dusseldorf, an international center for trade and communication technology
49. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Dusseldorf?
a. it’s a European Single Market
b. there are more than 500 million people living there
c. 40% of the inhabitants are from North America.
d. all of the cellular phone companies are operating out of Dusseldorf
e. it is one of the leading locations for information and communication technology
50. The following statements are true, EXCEPT …………
 a.Two cellular phone companies decided to settle in Dusseldorf
 b. Dusseldorf is the base of more than 5000 foreign companies from all over the world .
c. a few countries from all over the world have made Dusseldorf locatin of the European Single Market.
d. 148 million people live within radius of 500 km from Dusseldorf
e. one tenth of foreign companies in Dusseldorf is from North America.

===Good Luck===

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