Rabu, 27 November 2019



Text 1
            Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born in Brooklyn on February 17th, 1963. He is a retired American professional basketball player and active businessman. He is regarded to be the greatest  basketball player at all time.
            Michael Jordan is a son of Delories, who works in banking and Jems R. Jordan,  Sr, an equipment supplier. He is the forth of five children. He has two elder brothers, Lary Jordan and James R. Jordan, Jr, one elder sister, Delories and one younger sisiter, Roslyn.
            Michael Jordan was a shooting guard who was also capable of playing forward. He is one of the most talented sport figures in history. He has been a major sportman for such brands as: Nike, Coca-cola. Chevrolet, Gatorade, McDonal’s Ball Park Franks, etc. His income from the endorent is estimated to be several hundreds million dollars.

Text 1 is for questions number 1-4.
1.    Where is Jordan’s place of birth ?
a.    Ohio
b.    Brooklyn
c.    Miami
d.   Los Angeles
e.    Florida

2.    After retiring from the basketball player, what is he doing ?
a.    Staring movies
b.    Working in a restaurant
c.    Playing music
d.   Running his business
e.    Working in a bank

3.    Who is his younger sister ?
a.    Delories
b.    James
c.    Roslyn
d.   Larry
e.    Jeffrey

4.    How much did he earn from the endorent ?
a.    About a lot of hundreds million dollars
b.    About seven hundreds million dollars
c.    About several billion dollars
d.   About several hundreds million dollars
e.    About one hundreds million dollars

Text 2
            Jennifer Lynn Lopez was born in Bronx, New York on July 24, 1970. She is a daughter of David, a computer specialist, and Guadalupe, a kindergarten teacher. She is an actress, singer, dancer as well as a presenter.
            Jennifer Lopez is well-known to be a very beautiful actress. And capable of capturing the heart of any man. Her beauty is unquestionable. She is called “The Supernova” in her neighborhood. Besides, she is called “La Guitara” because her body curves like a guitar. Rumors say she insures her body for  one billion dollars and her rear for 300 million dollars.
            Jennifer Lopez has risen from the black street of the Bronx to the golden hill of Hollywood. Through out her career she has combined beauty and talent to become the highest paid Latina actress of all time.

Text 2 is for questions number 5-8.
5.    What does Jennifer’s mother do ?
a.    A nurse
b.    A computer specialist
c.    A kindergarten teacher
d.   A doctor
e.    A secretary

6.    Why do people  call Jennifer “La guitaro” ?
a.    Because of her beauty
b.    Because of her body curving
c.    Because of her popularity
d.   Because of her best performance
e.    Because of her golden career

7.    “Her beauty is unquestionable.” What does it mean ?
a.    She is extra ordinary beautiful
b.    She insured her beauty for 1 billion dollars
c.    Most men are enchanted her beauty
d.   She has good looking appearance
e.    She is a beautiful actress

8.      What make Jennifer the highest paid actress of all time ?
a.    Her kindness
b.    Her body that is like  a guitar
c.    Her talent
d.   Her beauty and talent
e.    Her beauty

Text 3 is for questions number 9-13.
            Bombay, the capital city of the Western Indian State of Maharashtra and the second largest metropolis in India has developed into an industrial complex second only  to Calcutta. This city has been designated as the Gateway of India because it is India’s major  port of Western contact.
            Greater Bombay is separated from the Indian mainland by the waters of Bassein Creek. About two-thirds of the populations  is concentrated on Bombay Island, which has the area of 67 km2. Bombay has one of the highest  population densities in the worlds. In some areas it reashes 580 persons per km2. More than half of  its population is Hindu; the rest is divided among PARSIS, Christians Budhist, Jains, and others
            Bombay has one of the largest cotton textile industries that employs almost one half Bombay’s factory workers. The rest are primarily employed  in the production of silk, artificial fibers, chemicals, and glassware and in the dyeing, bleaching, and printing industries.
            The city attract a large number of immigrants, particularly from the states  of Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Madhya Pradesh. The principal languages spoken are Marathi, Gujarati, and Hindi.

9.      What is the first largest metropolis in India ?
a.    Bombay
b.    Mumbay
c.    Calcutta
d.   New Delhi
e.    Trombay

10.  How wide is the Bombay Island ?
a.    91 km2
b.    87 km2
c.    77 km2
d.   67 km2
e.    65 km2

11.  What separate the greater Bombay from the mainland ?
a.    The waters Bassein Creek
b.    The Arabian Sea
c.    The Deccan Trap
d.   The rock formations
e.    The major port

12.  What is the average of the population density of Bombay city ?
a.    Big persons per km2
b.    580 persons per km2
c.    239 persons per km2
d.   150 persons per km2
e.    67 persons per km2

13.  The statements below are true based on the tex, except .....
a.    Bombay is famous for this
b.    Bombay is to be the gateway of India
c.    Bombay has one of the highest population densities in the world
d.   The only principal language spoken in Bombay is Marathi
e.    The major population of Bombay is Hindu

Text 4 is for questions number 14-18.
            I have  a anew neighbor, Mr. Bram. He lives in a small artistic house,  next to my house. Mr. Bram is a doctor. He works for a prominent hospital in my town.
            Mr. Bram is plump, lazy, and leads an affluent lifestyle. He uses his medical knowledge and authority to cheat the illiterate and the poor. People  say that he has a brother who lives a poor life in the country Mr. Bram refuses to treat him because he does not have the money to pay for treatment.
He is greedy although he is rich. He is shrewd, cunning and evil. He takes advantage of his brother’s illiteracy and poverty.

14.  What is the purpose of the text ?
a.    To account the writer’s experience of meeting his new neighbor
b.    To tell the reason why Mr. Bram moves to the house
c.    To describe the writer’s new neighbor
d.   To inform how to meet the doctor
e.    To describe the neighborhood

15.  What is true about the text ?
a.    His brother is richer than Mr. Bram
b.    Mr. Bram is richer than his brother
c.    Mr. Bram is the writer’s relative
d.   Mr. Bram lives with his brother
e.    Mr. Bram is illiterate
16.  Why does he refuse to treat his brother ?
a.    His brother is illiterate
b.    Mr.Bram is very busy
c.    His broyher has no money
d.   His brother ashamed of Mr. Bram
e.    His brother lives far from his house

17.  “He is shrewd, cunning and evil.”
What does the underlined word mean?
a.       Generous.
b.      Reckless.
c.        Careless.
d.      Crafty.
e.       Kind.

18.  “Bram is plump, lazy and leads an affluent lifestyle.”
       What does the underlined word mean?
a.       Authonomous.
b.      Extraordinary.
c.       Independent.
d.      Prosperous.
e.       Humble.
Text for questions no 19 to 20

Books are the window of the world.
Join our school reading club to explore the world.
All grades are welcome.
Registration : Monday, July 27, 2012 at 4 PM.
Venue : AV Room 2 at the 1st floor.

19.What does the next announce?
A.   a plan to travel around the world
B.    the importance of books                                                  
C.    the recruitment of members of reading club
D.   the admittance of high school students
E.    the registration of new students
20.Where is the registration exactly held?
A.   at the second floor                                                              D. at the AV Room
B.    at the first floor                                                                     E. at registration office
C.    at the fourth floor
Questions 21 – 25
           We are happy to announce that our new collections have  just arrived. So, it is the right time
To visit the zoo. New Animals
-Timmi and Tommo- a loving pair of giraffes from Africa.
-Jumpy – a playful kangaroo from Australia. The way it hopes around is quite attractive.
-Anya – the beautiful tiger from India
-Dundie – a giant, aggresive crocodile from the Amazon River.
- Reni – a rhino from Ujung Kulon

Special Animal shows on Saturday / Sundays
-          Elephants’playtime               10.00 AM
-          Crocodile Parade                      2.00 PM
-          Snake Parade                            4.00 PM
              Name the animals’contest
Winners will get thrilling ride on Browne and Camel.

                               Regular fees apply ( Adult Rp50,000, children under 12 years Rp 15,000, children under 5 free). Reminder : Visitor are strictly not allowed to feed the animals in the zoo.
21. What is the purpose of the announcement?
A. To announce new shows at the zoo.
B. To encourage people to visit the zoo.
C. To introduce new shows at the zoo.
D. To show what happens in the zoo.
E. To inform people about the rules at the zoo.
22. Which animal show will be held in the morning?
A. Snakes parade.
B. Crocodile show.
C. Animals’ contest.
D. Elephants’ playtime.
E. Kangaroo hop show
23. Which animal at the zoo is from South America?
A. Timmi
B. Jumpy
C. Dundie
D. Anya
E. Reni
24. What are the visitors prohibited to do at the zoo?
A. Enjoying the hopping Kangaroo.
B. Watching elephant playtime.
C. Enjoying the crocodile show.
D. Bringing children under 5 with you.
E. Feeding the animals.
25. Mr. And Mrs. Hasan are planning to take their three children, aged 15, 7, 4 to the zoo. How much does Mr. Hasan have to pay for the tickets?
A. Rp200,000.
B. Rp180,000.
C. Rp 165,000.
D. Rp 150,000.
E. Rp 125,000
26.........come to Yogyakarta every month.
A.   I                                                                           D. Them
B.   Me                                                                      E. Ours
C.   His
27.The cat licks...........fur many  times, and it seems to enjoy doing........
A.   its / it                                                                  D. they / them
B.   It / its                                                                  E.  She / her
C.   I / me                                                                 
28. I am going to introduce ........to one of my pen pals in Malaysia.
A.   she                                                                      D. its
B.   her                                                                      E. theirs
C.   we
29. He is very diligent and loves reading. He always brings book in .........bag.
A.   he                                                                        D. her
B.   his                                                                       E. their
C.   mine
30. I am going to wash..........hand.
A.   my                                                                       D. he
B.   me                                                                      E. she
Questions 31 – 33
Complete the dialogue with correct expressions.
 Mr. Gupta        : Good morning, Mrs. Sitompul.
 Mrs. Sitompul : Good morning, Mr.Gupta.
 Mr. Gupta        : I’m fine, thanks. And you?
 Mrs. Sitompul  : Not too bad. Mr. Gupta.
                             32..............................Richard, this is Mr. Gupta, my English teacher.
Mr. Gupta         : Pleased to meet you.
            Mrs. Sitompul  : Pleased to meet you too. Are you from India, Mr. Gupta?
 Mr. Gupta        :  Yes, South East India, from Velankanni. And you, are you from                   Jakarta?
 Mr. Sitompul   : No, We are from Medan, but I live here in London now.
 Mr. Gupta             : Well, goodbye, Mr. Sitompul, 33.................
 Mrs. Sitompul  : Yes, goodbye.
31. A. Where are you from?
B. How are you?
C. How old are you?
D. What do you do?
E. How do you do?
32.  A. Do you know Richard?
      B.  Are you teaching English?
      C. Are you a friend of Richard?
      D. Please meet my husband, Richard.                                                                                 E. I have to meet my husband, Richard.
33.  A. Where are you from?
B. It’s nice to see you.
C. What do you do?
D. How do you do?
E. It’s allright.

Questions 34 -  38
. Man      : That’s a nice scarf, mom.
  Woman : Thanks.
  Man       : It is really very nice. Where did you get it?
  Woman  : I got it at a second-hand market in exchange for the red purse.
   Man        : And you got rid of the red purse?
   Woman   : Yeah, Well, what else was I going to do with it?
   Man         : But it was a gift from Linda,
   Woman    : I know, but that’s okay, She wouldn’t mind. I’ve used it enough.
34. What does the man pay a compliment to the woman for?
A. Her scarf.
B. Her purse.
C. Her decision.
D. Second-hand market.
E. Her friendship with Linda.
35. How did she get the scarf?
A. She got it from Linda.
B. Someone gave her as a gift.
C. She bought it at a  fashion shop.
D. She exchanged her red purse with the scarf.
E. She bought the new scarf at the secondhand-hand market.
36. Why doesn’t the man agree the woman’s decision?
A. The red purse was unique.
B. The red purse was still good.
C. The red purse was very expensive.
D. The red purse was very memorable.
E. The red purse was a present from Linda.
37. What is the meaning of  “got rid of”?
A. To throw away.
B. To postpone.
C. To purchase.
D. To replace.
E. To repair.
38. What is the meaning of  “exchange” ?
A. To repair.
B. To barter.
C. To replace.
D. To bargain.
E. To embark.
 39.The children ...... to the mountain tomorrow morning.
A.      are going to go                                                  D. goes
B.   have gone                                                           E. went
C.   go                                                                                                                             

40. A :     What are you doing with that screwdriver.
B :     I... fix our radio.
(A) would
(B)  am to
(C)  am going to
(D) will be
(E)  will be to

41.“Did you meet her last night ?”
“No, she ... to bed too early..”
A.has gone
B.will go
D.had gone
42.She… breakfast for her family every morning.
B.had prepared
C. is preparing
D. was preparing
E. prepared
43.Mr. Bondan . . . . . the money to his daughter to buy the school’equipments last Sunday.
A. give
B. gave    
 C.is giving
D.has given
E. was giving
44.When you ……. me , was I eating banana ?
B.Have meeting
D.To met
E.Was meeting
45.At nine o’clock yesterday , Githa ……. Her old friend.
A.    Meet
B.     Met
C.     Was meeting
D.    Has meeting
E.     Meeting
46. Ade : Hello Widya, ...........
Widya : Oh, how do you do?
Rijal : How do you do. Nice to meet you.
A. This is Rijal
B. Rijal is my friend
C. I know Rijal
D. He is Rijal
E. His name is Rijal
47. Raychan : Gus, … to my classmate, Tiara?
Bagus : With pleasure.
Rachan: Tiara, this is Bagus, my close friend.
Tiara : Hi, nice to meet you, Bagus.
Bagus : Glad to meet you, Tiara.
A. do you know
B. have you met
C. have you known
D. may I introduce you
E. have you seen
48. Rafi : I went to your home but you were not in.
Salma : What time?
Rafi : At about 8:00 am. Your sister ... the flowers when I came.
A. waters
B. watered
C. is watering
D. has watered
E. was watering
49. While John ……. a book , Jane …… television.
A.    Was reading , has watching
B.     Has reading , was watching
C.     Was reading , was watching
D.    Have reading , was watching
E.     Reading , watching
50. The driver ……. the car while my father ……. a meeting.
A.    Washed , had
B.     Was washing , was having
C.     Washed , was having
D.    Was washing , had
E.     Washing , was having

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