Minggu, 17 November 2019


Contoh Soal Grammar tentang Passive Voice
  1. The paintings (exhibit) … till the end of this week.
  2. In recent riots, a lot of shop windows (break) … by the mob.
  3. The young woman (employ) … by this institute are all university graduates.
  4. The government used to support school. Nowadays, they (support) … by private funds as well as by the tuition the students pay.
  5. “The stewardess is now serving coffee to the passangers.”
    Bentuk pasif dari kalimat di atas adalah …
  6. Husen: “You look very happy today.”
    Hasan: “Don’t you know that I (promote) … to general manager.”
Ubahlah bentuk aktif di bawah ini menjadi bentuk pasif dengan memberikan bentuk be yang tepat.
  1. Tara opens the door.
  2. Tara has opened the door.
  3. Tara will open the door.
  4. Jodie writes a letter.
  5. Jodie is writing a letter.
  6. Jodie will write a letter.
  7. Jodie has written a letter.
Ubahlah kalimat di bawah ini dari bentuk aktif menjadi bentuk pasif.
  1. Putu Wijaya wrote that play.
  2. Edgar will invite Anne to the party.
  3. Andreas is preparing the report.
  4. The teacher is going to explain the lesson.
  5. Sharon has suggested a new idea.
  6. Waiters serve
  7. Two horses were pulling the farmer’s wagon.
Kunci Jawaban dari Contoh Soal Grammar tentang Passive Voice
  1. Will be exhibited (Akan di pamerkan)
  2. Were broken (Rusak)
  3. Employed (Dipekerjakan)
  4. Are supported (Didukung)
  5. Coffee is now being served to the passengers. (Kopi sekarang sedang disajikan ke penumpang)
  6. Has been promoted (Telah dipromosikan)
  7. The door is opened by Tara. (Pintu dibuka oleh Tara)
  8. The door has been opened by Tara. (Pintu telah dibuka oleh Tara)
  9. The door will be opened by Tara. (Pintu akan dibuka oleh Tara)
  10. A letter is written by Jodie. (Sebuah surat ditulis oleh Jodie) 
  11. A letter is being written by Jodie. (Sebuah surat sedang ditulis oleh Jodie)
  12. A letter will be written by Jodie. (Sebuah surat akan ditulis oleh Jodie)
  13. A letter has been written by Jodie. (Sebuah surat telah ditulis oleh Jodie)
  14. That play was written by Putu Wijaya. (Lakon itu ditulis oleh Putu Wijaya)
  15. Annie will be invited to the party by Edgar. (Annie akan diundang ke pesta oleh Edgar)
  16. That report is being prepared by Andreas. (Laporan itu sedang dipersiapkan oleh Andreas)
  17. The lesson is going to be explain by the teacher. (Pelajaran akan dijelaskan oleh guru)
  18. A new idea has been suggested by Sharon. (Sebuah gagasan baru telah disarankan oleh Sharon)
  19. Customers is served by waiters. (Para pelanggan dilayani oleh pelayan)
  20. The farmers’s wagon were being pulled by two horses. (Gerobak petani ditarik oleh dua kuda

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