Selasa, 05 November 2019


Choose the best answer of by crossing A, B, C, D, or E on the answer sheet
Text 1( for number 1­-2)
Scientists and doctors say that about 34 million Americans are too fat. Why is this? One cause is the kind of food Americans eat. Many Americans like "fast food". These foods (such as hamburgers and ice cream) often have fattening things in them. Another cause is the way Americans eat. They often eat little snacks between regular meals. These extra foods add extra fat on the body. A third cause is not enough exercise. Americans like driving everywhere, instead of walking. They often have machines to do a lot of the work. Some Americans are also too heavy because of health problems. But for most of those 34 million Americans, the problem is the American life-style.  

1.      The topic of the paragraph above is about ...
A. the way Americans eat
B. Americans' favorite food
C. the kinds of American food
D. why many Americans are fat
E. the causes of health problems  
2.      The main idea of the paragraph is ...
A. Fast foods make the majority of Americans fat.
B. Many Americans are fat because of their way of life.
C. Being fat, many Americans do not have enough exercise.
D. Eating snacks between regular meals add extra fat on the body.
E. 34 million Americans have, health problems caused by too much fat.
Text 2. ( for number 3 – 7)
There are lots of entrepreneurs who have been successful in Indonesia. They use their savings or other people’s saving to buy raw materials, hire labour, and buy machinery to produce goods or services. Entrepreneurs’s job is undertaking business ventures (risks).
Entrepreneurs usually receive profit. The cheaper the cost of producing goods and services, the greater will be the profit earned by entrepreneurs. Therefore they weight carefully the prices of land, labour, and capital.
Partnership is the state of being a partner to carry on business in association with another or others. The generous and rich entrepreneurs or industrialists will help the other entrepreneurs who have gone bankrupt to be able to survive by giving financial aid, suggestion, and training,etc. Then they co-operate in business. They should be honest in business affairs.
Most of them are becoming richer and richer. But there are also a few entrepreneurs who are not successful. Their companies went bankrupt. There are also lots of industries which cannot produce goods well. They need capital and labours.
3.      From the second paragraph we can conclude that ....
A. there is a good cooperation among entrepreneurs
B. the generous entrepreneurs just help the rich ones
C. the generous entrepreneurs just wait for their failures
D. the generous entrepreneurs help the new entrepreneurs
E. the successful entrepreneurs only think about them
4.      Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. Entrepreneurs rarely get profit.
B. The moral aid is given to bankrupt entrepreneurs.
C. Several entrepreneurs fails in their business.
D. There are a few successful entrepreneurs in Indonesia.
E. Partnership is the state of being a partner to discuss business.
5.      Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Only a few entrepreneurs have been successful in Indonesia.
B. The rich entrepreneurs will aid the bankrupt ones.
C. The bankrupt entrepreneurs need capital badly.
D. The bankrupt entrepreneurs also need suggestion from the successful ones.
E. Entrepreneurs produce goods using their savings.
6.      “Then they cooperate in business …” (paragraph 3). What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The rich entrepreneurs.
B. The generous entrepreneurs.
C. The rich and the bankrupt entrepreneurs.
D. The generous entrepreneurs and industrialists.
E. The generous and rich entrepreneurs or industrialists and the bankrupt ones.
7.      “Partnership is the state of being a partner to carry on business in association …”
(paragraph 3). The word “carry on” means ....
A. plan
B. manage
C. practice
D. support
E. continue
Text 3 (for number 8- 10)
Many Americans like to invite friends to their homes for an informal dinner. They may serve a simple, family-style meal. Often Americans show their hospitality by treating the guest as "one of the family."
Americans often tell guests, "Make you at home." They want their guests to relax and be comfortable, just as they do in their own homes. If you are invited for dinner, it's customary to bring a small gift such as a bottle of wine or fresh flowers.
8.      Which of the following is not suitable to complete the sentence?  In an informal dinner it is good for a guest to ...
A. behave as if he were at his own home
B. bring a present for the hostess
C. relax and be comfortable
D. arrange some flowers
E. bring some wine
9.      The text discusses about ...
A. the expression, "Make yourself at home"
B. hospitality among friends in the U.S.
C. American family-style dinner
D. inviting friends for a dinner
E. informal dinner
10.  Which of the following does not show the Americans friend lines?
A. Inviting friends to their homes for dinner
B. Treating their guest as member of their family
C. Wanting their guest to relax
D. Making their guest comfortable
E. Asking their guest to bring present for them
Text 4 (for number 11-12)
The worst problem may be over when you find a good job. But you must think about keeping your  job. You may lose it if  you arc not careful. Be sure you arrive at work on time every morning. You should not stop every hour for coffee. And you should not leave early too often. An important part of your job may be the way you work with other people. If you arc difficult to work with, you may have trouble. Or, you may have trouble if you do not make friends with the other people at your job. Remember these things if you want to keep your job.
11. What is the suitable topic for the passage?
A.   How to keep a job.
B.   When to find a job.
C.   Where to find a job.
D.   How difficult it is to find a job.
E.   What requirements are needed to find a job.
12. "You may have trouble"
The underlined word means ....
A.   result
B.   mistake
C.   influence
D.   difficulty
E.   convenience
Text 5 (for number 13-16 ).
Dance-pop singer Britney Spears was born in Kentwood, LA in 1982. After honing her skills in local dance showcases and church choirs, at the age of eight she auditioned for a role on ( the Disney Channel's Mickey Mouse Club show. Although the series' producers deemed her too young for the job, they were sufficiently impressed with the girl's talent to assist her in gaining entry to New York's Off-Broadway Dance Center and the Professional Performing Arts School. After this, Britney Spears returned home to Louisiana and attended her freshman year of high school Park Lane Academy in McCombs, MS. However, after a while she got bored and was ready to start performing again. She started commuting between New York and Louisiana for auditions. Finally, she got an audition for an all girl group and she got the job. Her agent however encouraged her that she would be better out on her own, so she dropped the group and went solo.
She signed to Jive Records and in early 1999 issued her debut LP ... "Baby One More Time". "Oops!... I Did It Again," was released on May 16"', 2000.
13. The best title of the text is ....
A.   Debut of Britney Spears
B.   Biography of Britney Spears
C.   The popular songs of Britney Spears
D.   How Britney Spears became popular
E.   Why Britney Spears was interested in singing
14.  Britney Spears started singing ....
A.   after joining the Mickey Mouse Club
B.   since she left her hometown
C.   after joining Jive records
D.   since she was a child
E.   since 1982
15. Britney Spears returned to Louisiana because ....
A.   she wanted to attend her freshman year of high school at Park Lane Academy
B.   she started commuting between New York and Louisiana for auditions
C.   she got bored and was ready to start performing again
D.   she got an audition for an all girl group
E.   she dropped the group and went solo
16. "... impressed with the girl's talent to assist her in ... ."
The underlined word can be replaced by the word ....
A.   represent
B.   motivate
C.   promote
D.   escort
E.   help
Text 6 ( for number 17-22 )
Cry For Love
By Hanson Kastaredja

Dr. Soetomo Public Hospital is big but everything in it is small
The sadness the family feels is big but the hope of the patient to be alive is small
The suffering of his wife is big but his own physical strength is small
The dedication of the doctors is big but their prediction for him to live is small
As the doctor declares her husband has released his last breath
Sorrow is heavily felt, bitterness is deeply inserted
and tears come down heavily, her sobs are so sympathetically heard
All people around him and her softly say together," His origin is from God and also goes
back to God.
17. The text is about ... .
A.   moments of the end of a patient's life
B.   efforts of saving a dying patient
C.   a devoted wife of a dying patient
D.   the suffering of a patient
E.   the end of a human's life
18. The first stanza mainly expresses about ....
A.   the struggle between fate and hospital's efforts to help a patient
B.   the despair of a wife facing her dying husband
C.   the doctors of Dr.Soetomo Public Hospital
D.   the contrast between big and small
E.   the hope of the patient to be alive
19. What do the people do for the patient's wife? They try to ... her.
A.   leave
B.   blame
C.   amuse
D.   console
E.   persuade
20. When the patient finally ..., sorrow and bitterness arc deeply inserted.
A.   drives away
B.   passes away
C.   leaves out
D.   takes out
E.   goes out
21. "Sorrow is heavily felt, bitterness is deeply inserted." (second stanza) The underlined word means ....
A.   the pain of mind from failure of business
B.   the pain of mind from loss of expectation
C.   the delight of mind because of other's success
D.   the pain of mind because of other's good luck
E.   the delight of mind from loss of business opportunity
22. "... , her sobs are so sympathetically heard."(The second stanza)
The underlined word means .....
A.    happiness
B.    sadness
C.    sickness
D.    pains
E.    grief
23. Ade : Hello Widya, ...........
Widya : Oh, how do you do?
Rijal : How do you do. Nice to meet you.
A. This is Rijal
B. Rijal is my friend
C. I know Rijal
D. He is Rijal
E. His name is Rijal
24. Raychan : Gus, … to my classmate, Tiara?
Bagus : With pleasure.
Rachan: Tiara, this is Bagus, my close friend.
Tiara : Hi, nice to meet you, Bagus.
Bagus : Glad to meet you, Tiara.
A. do you know
B. have you met
C. have you known
D. may I introduce you
E. have you seen
25. Rafi : I went to your home but you were not in.
Salma : What time?
Rafi : At about 8:00 am. Your sister ... the flowers when I came.
A. waters
B. watered
C. is watering
D. has watered
E. was watering
26. Alfa : I’m feeling better now. May I go to school today, Mom?
Mom : Alfa, you ... stay in bed and rest for three more days.
A. may
B. can
C. could
D. should
E. will
27. Royan: Will you go to the movie with me tonight?
Rara : I’d love to but I don’t think I can.
There’s so much homework to do.
From the dialogue we know that Rara is ....
A. stating agreement
B. giving an opinion
C. accepting an offer
D. asking for permission
E. refusing the invitation
28. Father  : I'm Sure you're a good guitarist and I'm really ... my son, but there must be hundreds of young guitarists just as good as you.
Son    : Then, what do you think I should do. Dad?
A.   worried
B.   unhappy
C.   sad about it
D.   upset about it
E.   proud of you
29. Tika    : What a nice home you live in, I like it.
Nisya    : Thank you. It's my grandma's house.
Tika    : It's old, but still in good condition....?
Nisya     : About forty years ago, before I was born.
A.    Who built it
B.   When is it built
C.   How was it built
D.   When was it built
E.   Who was it built for
30. x : Look at this!
y : Wow,...! It's the most beautiful painting I've ever seen.
A.   it's my pleasure
B.   it's amazing
C.   that's all right
D.   it's nothing
E.   it's very kind of you
31.Mother : When the price of petrol rises, the price of all basic commodities follows to rise. It always happens like this.
Father    : ... that our income will be sufficient if there is no increase in our salary.
A. 1 am sure
B. It's certain
C. 1 am pleased
D. It's possible
E. I doubt
32. X : Although this is the best cinema in town, there are not many people visiting it.
      Y : ..., nowadays most people prefer spending their time at home watching TV.
A.  Oh, no
B. I don't think so
C. Really?
D. That's right
E. It's not true
33. Fadel : Do you feel like coming around to see the exhibition of traditional handicraft from my province?
Ichsan : Sure. Where is it held?
Fadel : At Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
The underlined part of the sentence is used to express ....
a. plan
b. order
c. choice
d. sympathy
e. invitation

34.“Does .. know where my glasses ?”   
“You're wearing them.”
(A)    somebody
(B)    someone
(C)    everybody
(D)    everyone
(E)    anybody

35. Husband : The roof needs mending. Will you hold the ladder when I am climbing up?
Wife : Sure. But ..., the steps are slippery.
a. don’t worry
b. you can head up
c. you may look out
d. you could watch out
e. you should be careful
36. He told the students not to come late on Monday .....
A.      and neither did the students.
B.      and the students didn’t either.
C.      and the students also didn’t come, either.
D.      but they did.
E.       and they did.
37. Because of the rain, the principle couldn’t come to school on time .....
A.      and the students, too.
B.      and the students didn’t either.
C.      and the students couldn’t either.
D.      and also the students couldn’t come.
E.       and so could the students.
38.   I think you had better tell her the truth before someone else ....
A.      can
B.      tells
C.      had
D.      did
E.       does
39.   He is an honest young man. He never breaks his promise ....
A.      and so did his friend, Dani.
B.      And so does his friend, Dani.
C.      but his friend Dani doesn’t either.
D.      and so is Dani.
E.       but Dani isn’t.
40.   I should have finished my homework by 08.00 o’clock this evening ....
A.      and Tabita is, too.
B.      and so has Tabita.
C.      and Sastika should, too.
D.      but Yoga doesn’t.
E.       and so does Rizki.


Shy     ---    considerate  ---   confident    ----     extrovert      ---    introvert     ----     populer----     sociable    ---       loyal   ----- personality  ------     short-tempered

41.  Sultan  always thinks about other people, he helps people opens the door.  He is ........
42.  Tiara has a lot of friends. She knows  everybody and everybody knows her. She is .......
43.  Lintang  is my friend. I like her .......  we get on well together.
44.  Yuda is not shy. He likes other people and talks on them. He is an ......
45.  My brother is very ......  He loves meeting new people.
46.  Yuni never hesitates when she has to take a decision. She is very .....
47.  Intan  has only a few friend but she is ....  and they know she will always be their friend .
48.  Hafiza  is very .......    He doesn’t like meeting new people.
49.  Rosa is an  ...... She likes staying at home and quiet evenings.
50.  Fina is   .....   nowadays. A  small problem can make her angry.



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