Senin, 23 September 2019

2019-2020  24 SEPTEMBER 2019 - finish CLASS XI.3

Please join us
as we celebrate our
40th Anniversary
Rahmat and Wati Juminten
Friday, May 7th
6.30p.m -10.OOp.m
Pondok Indah, South Jakarta
(Dinner is available)
RSVP 65412397
(Nanang/ Nini/ Nita)

1. The type of the party above is …
A. Birthday Party
B. Graduation Party
C. Marriage Party
D. New year party
E. Ceremonial new house party

2. The purpose of the invitation text above is…?
A. To tell an good relationship
B. To describe a certain party
C. To persuade people to have marriage
D. To invite people to join the party
E. To share the happiness

Dear Bianca Jodie,
Time counted so fast
Let’s celebrate new year’s eve together!
Sunday, December 31st
9 p.m. until drop
at Dragonfly Bar
Jln Gatot Subroto

3. What is the purpose of the invitation text above?
A. To make a new relation
B. To spend time together
C. To have conversation with old friend
D. To reunite with old friends
E. To celebrate the new year’s eve

4. From the invitation text above, we can say that?
A. Bianca and Hannah have not good relationship
B. Bianca Jody invites Hannah to celebrate new year’s eve together
C. The Dragonfly Bar is not at Jln. Gatot Subroto
D. The party started from 9 p.m.
E. The party ended at midnight

Glad if you can attend and laugh with us in
Graduation Party
In respect of our Daughter’s perseverance and persistence
Isyana Sarasvati has graduated from an Msi
(Master of Science from Bandung Institute Technology)
Accompany with us on
Sunday, Mei 30, 2019 at 8 p.m.
The Suite Room, Hermitage Hotel.
Afgan and Melly Goeslaw
RSVP 65412397

5. Who is graduated from Bandung Institue Technology?
A. Afgan
B. Melly Goeslaw
C. Isyana Sarasvati
D. Afgan’s son
E. Afgan and Melly Goeslaw

6. Based on the invitation text above, we can conclude that…
A. Melly Goeslaw is Isyana’s daughter
B. The party will be held in Hermitage Hotel
C. The party ended at 8 p.m
D. The party is to celebrate Isyana’s Birthday
E. Afgan and Melly Goeslaw have been graduate from Bandung Institute Technology

Dear all committees of Smart Competition 2018,
Invite you in last meeting of this event
On Monday, August 30, 2018
6 – 8 p.m.
AL.A.D room, third floor
for head of division, please prepare your progress on this event and for those who have idea, don’t forget to
deliver it in the meeting.
M Dani Aulia

7. Where is the meeting of smart competition 2018 take place?
A. AL.A.D room, third floor
B. M Dani’s house
C. Not yet announced
D. Committee’s room
E. Meeting’s room

8. From the invitation text above, we can say that …
A. It is the final meeting
B. M Dani Aulia is the project manager of Smart Competition 2018
C. M Dani Aulia is invited to join smart competition 2018 meeting
D. The meeting will be ended on 6 p.m
E. The meeting will be held in AL.A.D room, first floor

Mr. & Mrs. Kenedy
Glad to invite you to come
The marriage of their daugther
Chelsea Islan
Argavi Koto
at Alila Villas Uluwatu Hotel, Bali
on Friday, 1 November 2018
Started on 1 p.m
Please RSVP before 30 October to Rahmat
There will be Maroon 5 performance
We wait your presence.

9. The fact from the invitation text above is…
A. The Chelsea islan and Rahmat will get married on Bali
B. Mr & Mrs. Kenedy are celebrating their marriage in Alila Villas Uluwatu Hotel
C. You can inform Argavi Koto to attend the event
D. There will be Maroon 5 performance on that wedding party.
E. Rahmat is Kenedy’s son

Dear Gigih,
Due to the English Debate Competition 2018 event on 1 December 2018, at Dubai, please come to the selection of
English Debate Competition 2018. The top three students will become UPN’s Delegate and compete with others top
students in the world. I believe that you have the quality to pass the selection.
Best regards,
Arum Sekarwage

10. What is the purpose of the invitation text above?
A. To invite Arum attend the selection of English Debate Competition 2018
B. To invite Gigih join the internal selection process
C. To invite someone join the English Debate Competition 2018 at Dubai
D. To inform Gigih the selection of English Debate Competition 2018
E. To invite someone join the internal selection process

11. “The top three students will become UPN’s delegate and compete with others…” The underlined word has
synonym to …
A. Participate
B. Watch
C. Register
D. See
E. Having Teamwork

To all members of UPN Society Petroleum Engineer Student Chapter
I would like to remind you to come the weekly meeting on Wednesday, 23 August 2018, from 7 p.m until 9 p.m in
our meeting room. There will be some souvenir from Bali.
Best regards,
Ravino Ichsan

12. Based on the invitation text above, the following statements are false, except …
A. The meeting held every week
B. Every week, Ravino Ichsan gives a souvenir from Bali to all members of UPN Society Petroleum       Engineer
     Student Chapter
C. The meetings always held on Wednesday
D. The meeting always held in meeting room
E. Ravino Ichsan is the president of UPN Society Petroleum Engineer Student 

13. All students … join the competition.
A.  Have
B.  Ought
C.  Are permitted
D.  Are not allowed
E.  Are not oblige

To celebrate the Indonesian Independence Day, All students are invited to join a writing competition.
Express your love to our country through writing. Contact each class captain for further information.

14.       The event was made by ….
A.       The school
B.       The government
C.      The authority
D.      The student organization
E.       Personal

15. Independence day of Indonesia is celebrated on …….
A.  August 7th
B.  August 17th
C.  August 27th
D.  April 21st
E.  April 1st

16. The contestant can ask this information to ….
A.  The student organization
B.  Headmaster
C.  The captain of the class
D.  The teacher
E.  Their friends

Suenna & David
are waiting you to their wedding
Time  : 19.30
Date  : 12th of April Sunday
Place : Blue Zest Beach Club

17. What does the purpose of the text?
A.  To offer something or an event to the people
B.  To invite people an event
C.  To inform about an event
D.  To express personal greeting and congratulation
E.  To give direct information

18. What party does Suanne and David held?
A.  Circumcision party
B.  Farewell party
C.  Wedding party
D.  New born baby party
E.  Birthday party

19. What date does it happen?
A.  Sunday
B.  Monday
C.  Wednesday
D.  Friday
E.  Saturday

Dear Ann Marry
As you receive your diploma, remember it’s just your ticket to the big game of life. Although I cannot be with you, my heart is full of happiness on your graduation day. No more school – no more books. Now begins that the greatest adventure of all. Congratulations and good wishes. Cheers and congratulations on your success. We are sorry we cannot be there to applaud you when you take your diploma, but our proud thoughts are with you

Best regards,

20. What is the text about?
A.  Congratulation on Ann’s life
B.  Congratulations on Ann’s study
C.  Congratulation on Ann’s diploma
D.  Congratulations on Ann’s adventure
E.  Congratulations on Ann’s graduation

21. “As you receive your diploma, remember it’s just your ticket to the big game of life.”
The word diploma refers to …
A.  Document awarded by a college on completion of a course
B.  Certification received by a student after completing a course
C.  Qualification given to a student after completing a study
D.  Certificating a student on completion of a study
E.  Certification awarded by a college to a student

22. We are sorry we cannot be there….’
The word ‘there’ refers to …
A.  Certificate
B.  Graduation certificate
C.  Graduation ceremony
D.  University
E.  School

23.    What will begin after school, except ….?
A.       Adventure to continue studying in university
B.       Adventure to get a job
C.      Adventure to continue learning in college
D.      Adventure to be in the mass
E.       Adventure to get  nothing

Owing to the bed weather, the basketball match between Grade X-1 and X-5, originally scheduled for tomorrow, May 6, is now put off until May 9. The match between Grade X-2 and X-4 will be held on May 11. Final match will be held on May 15 and 16.

Sports Club

24.  The announcement is about ….
A.   Sports Club
B.   Bad weather
C.   A match schedule
D.   A basketball match
E.   The delay of the match

25.  When will the match between Grade X-2 and X-4 be held?
A.   May 6th
B.   May 9th
C.   May 11th
D.   May 15th
E.   May 16th

26. What sport held in this competition?
A.  Football
B.  Volleyball
C.  Basketball
D.  Pinball
E.  Motogp

27. Why is the match put off?
A.  Since the bad weather
B.  Since the changing schedule
C.  Since the matching delay
D.  Since the final match
E.  Since the bad competition

SMA. Negri 137
JL Mawar 15/26
Telp (0261) 4255612

Dear Samanta
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
On Saturday, August 8,2018
At 01.30 p.m. – 02.30 p.m.
In the school hall
Agenda= final preparation for the 2018 PENSI competition on next Tuesday, please com on time, see your there.

Chair Person

28. The competition will be held?
A. On Sunday, August 8,2018
B. On Saturday, August 8,2017
C. On Friday, June 8,2018
D. On Saturday, June 8,2018
E. On Tueday, August 11, 2018 >>>>

29. Based on the text, we know that .…
A. The meeting will be held in the school hall
B. If you cloud not come, you should call Naomi
C. The meeting only invites the committee
D. The meeting will be held in the morning
E. The competition will be held in the evening

Dear all colleagues,
Danny Moulder
Warmly invites you in a monthly regular meeting
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
7.30 – 9.30 p.m.
Room 909, second floor

Let us know if someone wants to lead the group in a discussion of a specific topic of their choice.
Bring your news. Bring your solutions.

30. When will the meeting take place?
A. June 2, 2015
B. In the morning
C. 7.30 – 9.30 p.m
D. In the second week
E. The the third month

31. From the text above, we know that the meeting is held ….
A. Every month
B. Every Tuesday
C. In the second week
D. On the second of the month
E. Twice a month

Soal Invitation Text 3: Kegiatan Sekolah
To celebrate the Indonesian Independence Day, All students are invited to join a writing competition.
Express your love to our country through writing. Contact each class captain for further information.

32. The event was made by ….
A. The school
B. The government
C. The authority
D. The student organization
E. Personal

33. Independence day of Indonesia is celebrated on …….
A. August 7th
B. August 17th
C. August 27th
D. April 21st
E. April 1st

34. The contestant can ask this information to ….
A. The student organization >>>>>>>>>>>>>
B. Headmaster
C. The captain of the class
D. The teacher
E. Their friends

Soal Invitation Text 4: Kegiatan Sekolah
Students Organization
SMA Negeri 22
Jl. Satama No.8 Jakarta 13780. Telp (021) 7403316

Dear Rita, We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
– On Saturday, April 24th, 2018
– At 1.30 p.m — 2.30 p.m.
– In the school hall
Agenda : Final preparation for the PORSENI 2018 competition
Please come on time. See you there!

35. What will the meeting discuss?
A. The result of PORSENI 2018
B. The final preparation for the PORSENI 2018 Competition >>>>
C. The competition for PORSENI 2018
D. The competition for the student organization
E. The competition football

36. The meeting will be held ….
A. In the afternoon >>>>>
B. In the evening
C. In the morning
D. At night
E. Not long after the break

Soal Invitation Text 5: Smart Competition
Dear all committees of Smart Competition 2018,
Invite you in last meeting of this event
On Monday, August 30, 2018
6 – 8 p.m.
AL.A.D room, third floor
For head of division, please prepare your progress on this event and for those who have idea, don’t forget to deliver it in the meeting.
M Dino Arua

37. Where is the meeting of smart competition 2018 take place?
A. AL.A.D room, third floor >>>>>
B. M Dinoi’s house
C. Not yet announced
D. Committee’s room
E. Meeting’s room

38. From the invitation text above, we can say that …
A. It is the final meeting
B. M Dino Arua is the project manager of Smart Competition 2018
C. M Dino Arua is invited to join smart competition 2018 meeting
D. The meeting will be ended on 6 p.m
E. The meeting will be held in AL.A.D room, first floor

Soal Invitation Text 6: Student Weekly Meeting
To all members of UNA Society Petroleum Engineer Student Chapter
I would like to remind you to come the weekly meeting on Wednesday, 23 August 2018, from 7 p.m until 9 p.m in
our meeting room. There will be some souvenir from Bali.
Best regards,
Ridlo Irman

39. Based on the invitation text above, the following statements are false, except …
A. The meeting held every week 
B. Every week, Ridlo Irman gives a souvenir from Bali to all members of UNA Society Petroleum Engineer Student Chapter
C. The meetings always held on Wednesday
D. The meeting always held in meeting room
E. Ridlo Irman is the president of UNA Society Petroleum Engineer Student Chapter

Soal Invitation Text 7: Debate Competition
Dear Gigih,
Due to the English Debate Competition 2018 event on 1 December 2018, at Dubai, please come to the selection of English Debate Competition 2018.
The top three students will become UNA’s Delegate and compete with others top
students in the world. I believe that you have the quality to pass the selection.
Best regards,
Atim Sekarwangi

40. What is the purpose of the invitation text above?
A. To invite Arum attend the selection of English Debate Competition 2018
B. To invite Gigih join the internal selection process >>>>
C. To invite someone join the English Debate Competition 2018 at Dubai
D. To inform Gigih the selection of English Debate Competition 2018
E. To invite someone join the internal selection process

41. “The top three students will become UNA’s delegate and compete with others…” The word “become” has synonym to …
A. Participate
B. Watch
C. Register
D. See
E. Having Teamwork

Soal Invitation Text 8: Graduation Party
Glad if you can attend and laugh with us In respect of our Daughter’s perseverance and persistence
Isyana Sarasvati has graduated from an Msi
(Master of Science from Bandung Institute Technology)
Accompany with us on
Sunday, Mei 30, 2019 at 8 p.m.
The Suite Room, Hermitage Hotel.
Afgan and Melly Goeslaw
RSVP 65412397

42. Who is graduated from Bandung Institue Technology?
A. Afgan
B. Melly Goeslaw
C. Isyana Sarasvati >>>>
D. Afgan’s son
E. Afgan and Melly Goeslaw

43. Based on the invitation text above, we can conclude that…
A. Melly Goeslaw is Isyana’s daughter
B. The party will be held in Hermitage Hotel >>>>>
C. The party ended at 8 p.m
D. The party is to celebrate Isyana’s Birthday
E. Afgan and Melly Goeslaw have been graduate from Bandung Institute Technology

Soal Invitation Text 9: Marriage Party
Mr. & Mrs. Kenedy
Glad to invite you to come
The marriage of their daugther
Chelsea Islan
Argavi Koto
at Alila Villas Uluwatu Hotel, Bali
on Friday, 1 November 2018
Started on 1 p.m
Please RSVP before 30 October to Rahmat
There will be Maroon 5 performance
We wait your presence.

44. The fact from the invitation text above is…
A. The Chelsea islan and Rahmat will get married on Bali
B. Mr & Mrs. Kenedy are celebrating their marriage in Alila Villas Uluwatu Hotel
C. You can inform Argavi Koto to attend the event
D. There will be Maroon 5 performance on that wedding party. >>>
E. Rahmat is Kenedy’s son

Soal Invitation Text 10: Wedding Party
Suenna & David
are waiting you to their wedding
Time  : 19.30
Date  : 12th of April Sunday
Place : Blue Zest Beach Club

45. What does the purpose of the text?
A. To offer something or an event to the people
B. To invite people to an event >>>>
C. To inform about an event
D. To express personal greeting and congratulation
E. To give direct information

46. What party does Suanne and David held?
A. Circumcision party
B. Farewell party
C. Wedding party >>>>>>>>
D. New born baby party
E. Birthday party

47. What day does it happen?
A. Sunday >>>>>
B. Monday
C. Wednesday
D. Friday
E. Saturday

Soal Invitation Text 11: Anniversary
Please join us! As we celebrate our 40th Anniversary
Romano and Wati Jean
Friday, May 7th
6.30p.m -10.OOp.m
Pondok Indah, South Jakarta
(Dinner is available)
RSVP 65412397
(Nanang/ Nini/ Nita)

48. The type of the party above is …
A. Birthday Party
B. Graduation Party
C. Marriage Party >>>>
D. New year party
E. Ceremonial new house party

49. The purpose of the invitation text above is…?
A. To tell an good relationship
B. To describe a certain party
C. To persuade people to have marriage
D. To invite people to join the party
E. To share the happiness

Soal Invitation Text 12: New Year Party
Dear Bianca Jodie,
Time counted so fast. Let’s celebrate new year’s eve together!
Sunday, December 31st
9 p.m. until drop
At Dragonfly Bar Jln Gatot Subroto

50. What is the purpose of the invitation text above?
A. To make a new relation
B. To spend time together
C. To have conversation with old friend
D. To reunite with old friends
E. To celebrate the new year’s eve

------GOOD LUCK--------

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